May update

The last few months have been pretty quiet as I finish up the school year and gear up for summer. I am excited to have many projects in the works including my first EP release with Little Symphony Records in August.

First off, I am headed in June to Avaloch Farms to work on a larger album which will encompass the season of Summer. Since I released my debut album in the fall, I have decided to continue writing more about the seasons. Each album will culminate an introspective interpretation on what the seasons mean to me. While that’s pretty damn cliche, I am excited to create what will eventually be a 4 hour long performance meditation on the subject.

Secondly I have quite a few fun new composition projects lined up to write this summer. Including finishing a song cycle for my wife Suzanne using texts from Hildegard of Bingen, and a short viola piece for the amazing Michael Hall. I also plan to write my first string quartet!

Finally be on the lookout for my new EP “Reminiscence vol. 1” which is slated to be released August 5 everywhere via Little Symphony Records. I will be releasing my first single for this album in June!

I have some performances as well lined up. It will be a busy and fun time! (Keep checking my events page for upcoming shows).