EP out on Bandcamp + Now on streaming platforms!

I released a small EP today “Songs without words” on my Bandcamp as well as have put music out on all major streaming platforms! It should be visible soon, but you can find the EP at this link:


Other news:
I Recently interviewed on “It Takes Village”, CJSR 88.5 FM hosted by the amazing Rhea March in Alberta, Canada. I will have the link up to the interview when it drops on January 19 2021 at 2 pm central time! It was so much fun and I talk about my process and my upcoming piano album “Pieces I Wrote on a Cold Winter Night”

I have a concert! A livestream one no less on Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 7:30 pm. It is hosted by New Music Chicago, and I will be presenting more works from my solo album. The link to the stream can be found in my events page!