August update

Got some new stuff in my media page! From my last concert at Constellation 1/12/20. Very happy to present these works from my old composition teachers, check it out!

Also have a new recording of one of the piano pieces from my upcoming album:

Finally, I have a few updates on my events page! The Tuesday improvisations will continue regularly, and are being uploaded on my YouTube page. Other than that I have a livestream performance from this past weekend on the events page along with an upcoming event where Trombonist Ben Zisook will perform an older piece of mine The Living Room for solo bass trombone in September.

Recently completed a new piece:
The start of something for Brian Ostrega and Stephen Uhl (Violin and Piano)
5 miniatures for Eb Clarinet and Toy Piano for Nora Shaffer and myself

Finishing up:
Woodwind Trio (Fl, Ob, Cl) titled Late Nights
Chicago Composers Orchestra: A River is Found on the Other End